

Welcome to My Tree And Me, a blog dedicated to travel, lifestyle, beauty & well-being.

My name is Franziska, I am a millennial Gemini, born and raised in Europe and currently living in California.

By no means am I a professional writer, English isn’t my native language, which is why some of my posts are in German also. I work as Director of Spa Operations at a glorious resort on California’s Central Coast, and have worked in hospitality since I graduated from University. I worked through the better part of receiving my Master’s degree which is the reason I celebrate 14 fab years in hospitality this September (2017). I have passion for travel, beauty and to work hard. Because the harder I work, the luckier I get and the more I get to travel. Let’s go!

“If you never travel, you only read one page of the book!” 

My Tree and Me Blog FAQ:
(Everything you might want to know)

How did you come up with the name My Tree And Me Blog?-

First of the obvious, I do love trees. When I worked on my masters degree in hospitality and spa management, we got to create a spa consulting company along with all the bells and whistles.

The company name I created was My Tree And Me. I wanted the name of the company to combine things that I like and reflect me- all in a spa-ish manner and My Tree And Me was born. Trees are pretty fabulous and I took the name creation like a literal thinker would.
Fun fact: the spa project I was creating was named ‘One Hundred And Six Degrees’. 106 degrees (Fahrenheit) is the perfect temperature for me (I adore heat), and if you break the numbers apart they make my birthday (10. June).

“Literal: 1.

In accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word; not figurative or metaphorical: the literal meaning of a word. 2. following the words of the original very closely and exactly: a literal translation of Goethe.” – word meaning from the dictionary

What is your education and background?

I was lucky enough to find out shortly after graduating high school what I wanted to do, and even though it was not what I had imagined. I dreamed of being a plastic surgeon when I was younger. I worked hard towards that goal and my type A personality and the need to always be over prepared signed me up for a summer internship at my local hospital.  To make a long story short, I ended up realizing that no doctor, regardless how good, how passionate or how well trained, is able to save every single life they touch. I was devastated with that realization, I wanted to help people, I wanted to make them feel their best, I wanted to make them feel pretty and worthy. I decided to go into the wellness field, I became a Cidesco certified Esthetician with medical apprenticeship. In Germany that means two year schooling and also includes massage therapy, mani and pedicure.

I then combined it with my love to travel and one day, years later woke up living in Austria (or London or Switzerland or Italy) working in a five star resorts. I continued my education and in 2006 graduated with a Master of Arts in Spa and Wellness Management and a Master of Science in International Hospitality Management. I moved to California in the summer of 2008.

My education allowed me to grow into becoming the operator I am today, but I learned the most from the people I worked with and met. Hospitality work is tough, it’s a ’14-hour/no holidays/always weekends’ kind of responsibility and you need to love it with all your heart, but if you do, it’s the best job in the world.

“Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can happen!” -Henri J.M Nouwen

Who is Dora-

Dora Lunerkind is a medium length Miniature Dachshund, she was born on 13. July 2011 in La Jolla, California.

Daniel picked her out, she was a surprise and he gifted her to me for our first anniversary. He knew how much I wanted a dog and since I grew up with dachshunds back in Germany he thought she was the perfect fit. Dora is the sweetest present I ever received. We adore her to pieces, she’s got her own-strong-stubborn-ish-but loving personality and is the most wonderful companion. Danny picked her first name, Dora and I picked her middle-name, Lunerkind, which is another literal concoction. “Lunerkind” is translated to what would mean Moonchild in German.

We do feed her raw food only in terms of her diet, I’m pretty strict with her. She loves her Primal Nuggets (the duck ones are her favorite). She also get’s a one tablespoon raw pumpkin and two tablespoons goats milk. Also some food enzymes and Nordic Naturals Fish Oil. The fish oil is so good for her coat and really takes care of her joints. I take the holistic pet food conversation to a different level in my family, and thankfully she truly likes eating it. Bless her.

“Dachshunds have their own agenda and can be stubborn about seeing their plans through to completion. What Rosie lacked in consistency, she made up for in enthusiasm. Most of the time when I called her name, she sprinted back, her long ears cocked and flying like a little girl’s pigtails. Each encounter was a glorious reunion, even if we’d been parted for only a minute or two. I had never felt so loved.” -American novelist Mary Doria Russell about her Dachshund Rosie

October 2017, Earthbound Farm, Carmel

(below is the October 2016 version from the same pumpkin patch!) img_1374img_1427img_1393-1


Affiliate links-

While my position as beauty/wellness and travel professional exposes me to lots of products, that I get to try, none of the links you find on my blog are affiliate links. I want to use this blog to share what I experienced may it be during travel, during microblading or pilates sessions. I do have my favorite brands and places and I love talking about them though no links are affiliate unless I specifically state that it is the case. This blog is about things I love, and some inspiration sprinkled on top!

“My right to speak my mind, to have a voice, to be what some have called ‘opinionated’ is a right I deeply and profoundly cherish. My only hope is that, one day soon, women who have all earned the right to their opinions – instead of being called ‘opinionated’ will be called smart and well-informed, just like men.”Teresa Heinz

Do you answer questions?

Relating to travel, beauty and well-being, I sure do! Remember that all opinions are my own, I did not get that Dr.’s degree so I will only speak about things I have experience with. You are welcome to contact me (here) via email, snail mail, contact form or the comment section on each post! Talk soon!

8 Comments on “About

  1. Congrats to you! I love the topics that you share on your blog and look forward to reading!! 😊🎉

    Liked by 1 person

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